my friends! I'm very sorry for going M.I.A again, but I should be
able to post a little more often now, however, my posts might be
fairly short for a while, while I try to add items to my new Etsy
store, TheNightOwlsRoost.
I finally took the plunge, and opened an Etsy shop. For years people
have been telling me I should sell the items I make (Mainly small
crocheted stuffed animals), but I was always too afraid that my
creations weren't good enough, or the patterns I used would say
something about not selling finished products made from that pattern.
I'm still struggling to believe that the things I make would be
desirable to anyone other than myself, but that's more about my own
insecurities regarding my self worth than anything else… I'm
getting help for that though (maybe I'll talk about those struggles
in a future post).
I seem to have lost my train of thought now, I just wanted to post
this little update before I go to bed.
you are interested, please visit my shop, it's still very much a
work-in-progress, and there are only five listings at the moment, but
I'm working on more things to add very soon.
hope this post hasn't been to boring, still haven't found my blogging
I hope you all are having a lovely day/night/evening/whatever time it
is where you are. It's now 1:30AM, so I need to sleep now, night
night friends.