A place for everything, from reviews of various products/books, to promoting my Avon business, and rambling about cute animals.

My Avon Story

Hello all! I thought I should tell you a little bit about how, and why I became an Avon Representative.

When I was little, I remember my mom getting the catalogs somehow (probably from the mom of one of my classmates), we would look through them together, and I'm sure I used to bug her to buy me stuff all the time. Sometimes she would, other times, not so much. Of course, she used to get things for herself as well, but I don't remember much of that, (aside from a perfume that I loved, which has now been discontinued ~Soft Musk~).

To be honest, I don't really know what it was about Avon, that grabbed hold of my heart at such a young age, I just remember loving to look through the catalogs, and see all the pretty pictures.

When I was a little older, a friend of mine gave me a few Avon perfumes in roller ball form, as a Christmas gift, one of them was Soft Musk. It was the best thing I could have received at the time.

Since that time, I have always had a huge soft spot for Avon, though, I must admit, a lot of their perfume scents, are not my cup of tea.

Years later, when my best friend's mom became an Avon Rep. I discovered that Avon was more than perfume/cosmetics. When my friend's mom left Avon, I decided to give being a Rep a try myself. I stuck with it for two years, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I won't get into why I stopped, but I will say that it had nothing to do with the company, and I always regretted my decision.

It's now more than a decade later, and I've finally come back. Things are a lot different now, and it's more of a struggle to find people who are interested in the products, especially since I wasn't quite as anxiety prone the last time. Still, I am enjoying being back, and I'm looking foreword for what's to come.

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