A place for everything, from reviews of various products/books, to promoting my Avon business, and rambling about cute animals.

Friday, January 29, 2016

All is not Well

Hello again, I think my last, non-Avon, post was the one about my goals for the first quarter of 2016; since then, everything has just gone to shit for me.

I won't go into a lot of detail, now, but for those of you that don't know much about me, I have acute anxiety and depression, for which I am getting treatment, but a culmination of stressful events, constantly catching colds, grief/sadness/really missing people I've lost over the years, (FYI, if anyone ever tells you you should be over the death of a loved one, by a certain amount of time, or that you are keeping your loved one from resting in peace, by feeling grief/sadness or even crying because you miss them, don't listen!) has recently led to a very bad spiral.

The smallest things seem to be blown way out of proportion in my head lately, and of course I don't feel like there is anyone around me that I can properly confide in, without being told, in a round about way, that I feel the way I feel because I want to feel this way. Why in the hell would I want to feel like this? Why would anyone want to feel like this?

I'm probably not making any sense right now, so I'll end this here, before someone offers me some cheese to go with my whine.

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